Thursday 20 November 2014


One of my favourite programmes at the minute has got to be the new Gotham. It follows the lives of the characters from the original Batman films, in a Gotham City were Batman himself has not yet been 'created'.
The series starts with the murder of Bruce Wayne's parents, Thomas and Martha Wayne, and as it is only five or six episodes in not much has happened on finding the culprit.

However, in the episodes so far we have also been introduced to the characters of Alfred Pennyworth, James Gordon, the Penguin and the two gang leaders of Gotham: Carmine Falcone and Don Maroni.
I really like the story-lines and ideas that have been created for this programme because they're always exciting and keeping me wanting to watch more! The actors are great at portraying their characters perfectly and they just make he programme even better. In my opinion I would definitely, 100% recommend this programme to any Batman fan because it is simply the best and you won't be disappointed!

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