Wednesday 19 November 2014

Big Fish (2003)

Big Fish (2003) Poster

Recently we watched the film 'Big Fish', which is about a boy (Edward Bloom) who is trying to find out about his dying father through the stories that he told when they were younger.

An interesting factor about this film is that we, as the audience, get to follow the lives of  the young and old Edward as the narrative is constantly changing between the two stages of his life. I think that this is a pretty cool and unique way of telling the audience about a character's life and experiences; something that I may consider for my A2 coursework!

This film follows the Todorov narrative theory because at the start of the film there is an equilibrium because everything is normal and the same. Then there is a disequilibrium when Edward leaves his hometown to experience the big city and to make something of himself. After this there is a new equilibrium in the time that he is working for the circus and when he finally finds his wife, Sandra. Finally the film goes back to a disequilibrium when the modern day Edward's health becomes worse.

Although it isn't something that I would personally pick to watch myself, I think that this is a good film and I would recommend it

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