Thursday 27 November 2014

Preliminary task: Continuity editing

During the production of our preliminary task we were told that we had to demonstrate use and understanding of the following three types of continuity editing.

Match on action: when one shot cuts to another shot, portraying the action of the subject in the first shot. This is used to create the impression of continuity between two shots, as well as also be used to hide any potential continuity issues by drawing the audience's attention towards this technique.

The 180 degree rule: this is a filming guideline that states that shots within a scene must not crossover a 180-degree axis, otherwise it may give the impression that the positions of the actors in the scene has been reversed. 

Shot/reverse shot: this is a continuity editing technique that is commonly used when two or more characters in a scene are having a conversation with one another. Typically there is a shot of a character looking at something or someone (either an over-the-shoulder or point of view shot) and then this is followed by a reverse shot of the same character looking at the person or object.

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