Friday 7 November 2014

Evaluation of the day of filming

The day of filming went well and we got all of it filmed, plus extra footage that may or may not be used in our final video.

As filming at night was not convenient for our actors, it had to be done early in the morning so that it was still dark-ish outside (making it seem like night-time). This meant that as we were filming the sun was rising and the street lamps were turning off as the sky got brighter so some of our footage is in different light compared to others. However, we will fix this lighting issue using a filter on some of the footage to make them look the same.

Another small issue with the filming is that there was some traffic noise in the background, although it wasn't too loud. But if needs be then we can remove this sound when we are editing the footage.

Also, the original plan for our film was that Johnny would run into Charlie's grandparents flower shop, however the shop had recently had a delivery and so there were a lot of boxes that would potentially be in the way. We soon came up with the idea that instead of running into the shop to flee from the hoover, Johnny would instead jump  into a bin in an alleyway; which I thought was a better idea as it made the film funnier.


Apart from these few minor problems, we got everything that was needed for our film opening and it was actually quite a fun experience.


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