Friday 21 November 2014


A documentary is known for being very factual and scientific. Their only real purpose is to give an audience information on a particular topic. Some typical features of documentaries are: interviews with specialists; 'real' footage of events; archive photographs and an authoritative narrative.
Textual analysis of 'Africa with David Attenborough' (2014)
In this opening sequence we are given a lot of information visually from the animals that we can see, as well as listening to David Attenborough himself talking about Africa and what this particular documentary (or series of documentaries) is/are going to be about. The dialogue is very factual and because it is David Attenborough we can trust what he is saying as he is well-known for making brilliant documentaries about different animals and environments. The music that is used in the sequence has a strong beat, which helps to draw the audiences attention to what is being shown in the video, although it is not too loud so to block out Attenborough's narration.
I think that this is an effective opening sequence as it clearly states to the audience what the documentary is going to be about and what can be expected from the film.

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