Monday 8 December 2014

Character development

As I have said before, we are only going to see a maximum of two characters in the opening sequence (there may be another character but they will only have a minor role) and so below I am going to describe them in a little more detail!
The female character will be teen-aged, so about 16/17 years old and she will have long, brown hair that is in loose curls with light make-up. The clothes that she will be wearing is dark blue jeans, a knit jumper, coat and scarf, as well as some ankle boots.

Although we may not necessarily see this in the first two minutes, this character has a friendly and bubbly personality and is generally liked by anyone she meets. She lives with both of her parents and older brother in town and so this is that destination that she is seen walking to in the opening sequence. As she walks down the street and away from the train station she pulls out her iPod to listen to some music.
The male character is going to be an older teen and he will be wearing a long, dark coat to give him a mysterious vibe. He is tall and slim and will be wearing a smart but casual shirt with plain black/dark trousers and smart shoes.
Personality-wise he is quite a quiet and secluded character and so not much is going to be given away about him in the opening two minutes.

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