Friday 5 December 2014

Audience research

To understand what makes a good film I have conducted some audience research. For this research I asked some people a set of questions about film openings and their opinions on what should be in them to make them interesting. The people that I have asked are of the same age as my target audience; so I can understand what my target audience want from a film.

The questions I asked are as follow:
  1. What do you expect to see in a film opening?
  2. What openings have particularly stood out in films that you have seen?
  3. What are the conventions of the thriller genre?
  4. What would you expect to see in the opening 2 minutes of a film in then thriller genre?
  5. What do you think of my idea?
  6. Would that opening sequence make you want to watch the rest of the film?
And here are some of the responses that I have got so far:
Dylan Webdale -
  1. In a good film opening sequence we should be introduced to at least one character that may have either a minor or major role in the film; we should also be shown or told about the location of the film as well as being given hints, using conventions, to what genre the film is.
  2. I particularly like the opening to the film 'No Country For Old Men' because it is very interesting and although it is misleading it draws you in, making you want to watch the rest of the film
  3. In a thriller film I would expect to hear screams and creepy music, as well as seeing the typical creepy and isolate house or building
  4. In a thriller opening sequence I would expect to see at least two characters and to be introduced to a part of the plot so we can start to understand what the film is going to be about
  5. I think that your idea is very good and will be interesting to watch because it is what I would expect of the genre
  6. I would watch the rest of your film after seeing the opening sequence
Gemma Holdback -
  1. In the opening sequence of a film I would expect to be introduced to some characters and the location of the film. It would also be good if there was something interesting that happened because then it would make me want to watch the rest of the film
  2. I like the opening to the film 'Juno' because it clearly states the storyline behind the film and what the film is going to be about
  3. In a thriller film I would expect there to be a little action, something that will draw the audience in and maybe a plot twist, something that the audience wouldn't be expecting to happen
  4. I think that a thriller opening sequence should be interesting and mysterious, something that makes the audience want to watch the rest of the film
  5. I like your idea because it is interesting and so it will make people want to carry on watching it to find out how the plot evolves
  6. I would definitely watch the whole film because the idea sounds interesting and so I think that it would make a good film
Poppy Howard -
  1. In the opening sequence of a film I would expect to be introduced to at least one or more of the characters and get some information about the location so we can begin to understand what the film is about and what could happen.
  2. I like the opening to the film 'The Fault In Our Stars' because it's different in the fact that content wise it isn't very busy but we are still drawn in by the information that we are being told by the character of Hazel
  3. I would expect a thriller film to have a mysterious feeling to it with creepy people and shadowy and scary scenery. I would also expect for there to be something sudden that will make the audience jump.
  4. In a thriller opening sequence I would expect to be introduced to some of the main characters and be given hints as to what the plot of the film is and to wonder what could happen next
  5. I like your film opening idea and I think that it sounds interesting ad exciting
  6. I would definitely watch the rest of the film

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