My film opening is going to be set in a town in the late evening. I have chosen this because the dark of the night will help to make it more mysterious and the street lamps will make shadows and dark areas that can be used to an advantage for concealing the identity of the male character until it is time for the audience to find out more information about him.
This location will help to create the atmosphere that I want for my film because the dark and night will create tension and mystery; something that is a convention of night time. It also gives a sense of the unknown and the unexpected, making the audience curious about what could happen next.

The photo to the left is of the town centre at night and so when I do my filming it should be lighter than this; if not I can just use an effect when editing my footage.
I will also get a photo of Attleborough during the day so it is easier to see what the town actaully looks like.