Saturday 11 October 2014

Remake of My Beast Friend: Planning

In class we were put into groups in which we were given a short film about 3-5 minutes long that we had to remake. There were a few films to pick from and my group were given 'My Beast Friend'. 

'My Beast Friend' is about a guy named Ed who has decided to sort out some things in his life, which means getting rid of his foul-mouthed cat Fluff. However, things don't quite go to plan when Ed's girlfriend, Amelia, turns up early.

Below is the planning of the recreation of our chosen short film

*Ed walks into the hallway carrying some boxes. The cat, Fluff, is sitting in one of the boxes mumbling and looking at the tag around his neck.*

Fluff: ED!, tell me what's going on right now or I’m going to sick up all of yesterdays tuna.
*Belch noise* Oh no, it’s that girl isn’t it, Amber, you’re mad. She’s weird!

Ed: This has nothing to do with Amelia, *Strokes hair* I just wanted to sort my life out, ya know, get rid of some of the dead wood. So, If I take you to this great fun place just for cats. Yeah, just after I finish tidying up. It’s called. Pleasure land!

Fluff: *amazed* Pleasure land?, sweet. *Mumbles*

*Door bell rings, girl enters*

Amelia: *in a rush* I’m so sorry Ed, I know I’m super early! *sees  Fluff* Oh my god who's this!?

Ed: *deadpan* That’s Fluff.

Amelia: *Reading* 'Free to good home'. Some monster actually abandoned this sweet little creature?
*Strokes the cat, and picks it up. Amelia sees an actual cat while Ed sees a guy in a cat costume.*
Well, Fluff, I guess that makes me your new mummy now.

Fluff: *To Ed* Ya lying cu- *Cut out*

Character Profiles:
1. Name: Ed
Played by: Jamie McGregor
Character Information: Ed is a tall, skinny man with long brown hair and brown eyes. He has an Irish/English accent. Ed is Amelia's boyfriend and Fluff's owner.

2. Name: Fluff
Played by: Poppy Frost
Character Information: Fluff is a foul-mouthed, grey tabby cat. He has a cheeky and occaisionally rude personality.  

3. Name: Amelia
Played by: Becky Stevens
Character Information: Amelia is a tall women of average size. She has long, curly brown hair and brown eyes. She also has a strong Scottish accent, although in our remake of the film she has an English accent. Amelia is the girlfriend of Ed.

Location Research
To recreate this film we needed a hallway of a house that looked remotely similar to that used in the original film, so to find the location of our film we discussed in our groups who's hallway looked most similar and whose house would it be easiest to get to and film at.

Here are some pictures of our location for the filming. We decided to use this hallway as it most clearly represented the one that was used in the original film. 

Below is a rough sketch of what happens in the film

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