Tuesday 7 October 2014

Narrative theories in films

The narrative in films is the way that the story/plot is told.  For example, is the narrative told in first person or are we shown it through a character's flashbacks..
We have learned about three, of many, narrative theories that form the base of a film; how it develops, how it looks/sounds and what the purpose of the characters are.

The three narrative theories:

Todorov produced a theory that could be applied to all films and describing how they work and their basic narrative. His theory suggests that all films start with an equilibrium, where everything is normal and good, and then there is a disequilibrium where something bad happens. After this is resolved there is then a new equilibrium and everything is back to normal again.

Barthes designed the three codes on which films are based. These three codes cover all aspects of a film; they are:
  1. technical - the camera angles, length of shot, sound and editing
  2. verbal - the dialogue and what people say
  3. symbolic - this is the denotations and connotations of the mise-en-scene (the things in the scene). For example, red roses signify romance
Propp created the theory that certain types of character have a specific influence on the narrative
We can use some of these theories to explain films; e.g. 'Shrek'
  • Todorov's theory - The film starts with an equilibrium and everything is balanced and there isn't any trouble. Then there is a disequilibrium when Shrek is trying to recover his swamp from all of the other fairy-tale creatures that have been banished there and sent to recover Princess Fiona from the castle that is guarded by the dragon; and after this when he tries to rescue Fiona from Lord Farquaard. At the end of the film when Fiona is with Shrek and they live happily together there is a new equilibrium because everything is good again
  • Barthes' theory - in 'Shrek' there is a strong symbolic code between the swamp and the kingdom. The swamp represents homeliness, friendship, freedom and the lives of the lower class people, whereas the kingdom represents order, deception, tradition and the lives of the upper class people and royalty.
  • Propp's theory - The hero is Shrek because he is sent on a quest to rescue Princess Fiona. The villain is Lord Farquaard as the audience are against him and he is the one who sends them all back to the swamp. He could also be seen as the dispatcher as he is the one that sends Shrek on his journey to the castle. The donor is the Gingerbread Man because he helps to rescue princess Fiona by giving Shrek a giant gingerbread man. The helper is clearly Donkey because he helps Shrek throughout the film on his quest to rescue Fiona. The princess' father is obviously Fiona's dad, the King. It is also clear the Prince Charming is the false hero because he tries to claim that he is the one who rescued Fiona, when it fact it was Shrek. 

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