Tuesday 28 October 2014

Back To The Future

So after telling my friends that I hadn't seen any of the Back to the Future films, which they were very shocked about, they immediately said that they would lend me the trilogy so I could watch it, and I'm glad that they did!
At first I was a bit sceptical about the film, as I am with all new films that I haven't seen or paid much attention to before, but I soon familiarised myself with the cool and funny character that is Marty McFly. The film is a sci-fi adventure that was made in 1985 by Robert Zemeckis about a boy called Marty, played by Michael J. Fox, who with the help of his scientist friend Dr Emmett Brown, played by Christopher Lloyd, goes back in time to 1955 in a time machine made from an old DeLorean. However, when Marty is back in 1955 he meets his parents as teenagers, although his presence causes some unwanted complications for his future.
As this film is of the genre that I would normally watch I soon began to enjoy the film, so I ended up watching the entire trilogy; which is amazing. This is a great film, well set of films, that work brilliantly together to portray the thrilling adventures of a time traveller. I would definitely say that 'Back to the Future' is now one of my favourite films and I would never get tired of watching it. So it goes without saying that I would definitely recommend this film to anyone that hasn't seen it before!

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