Wednesday 15 October 2014

Guardians of the Galaxy

The last time that I went to the cinema I went to go see the new Marvel film: Guardians of the Galaxy! The film is very much like 'The Avengers', another great film by Marvel and it's about a group of space criminals that have to work together to stop the evil villain Ronan the Accuser from destroying the galaxy.
I absolutely love all of the Marvel films so when I heard about this new edition I obviously had to watch it. Although I was a bit sceptical of it at first, I soon began to enjoy it when I was watching it and I am already excited for any possibility of a sequel! 
I love how the fast-paced plot constantly keeps you on the edge of your seat, desperate to know what will happen next. In my opinion Chris Pratt makes an awesome Star Lord and the contrast in abilities and talent of the actors and WWE wrestler Dave Bautista makes the film even more brilliant. I also like the fact that Karen Gillian, who is known for playing Amy Pond in Doctor Who (an amazing programme), is cast to play one of the bad guys. She is such an amazing actress and this film really showcases her talent well!
I have got to say that my favourite character has definitely got to be Rocket the Racoon, who is voiced by Bradley Cooper. He is funny and something new that has been done by Marvel before. His sidekick Groot, voiced by Vin Diesel, is another great character and although all he says is "I am Groot" he is a great component to the film and he just makes it better!
Overall I definitely recommend this film to everyone! It is a great film that anyone will love and it will have you singing your heart out with the amazing soundtrack

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