Sunday 11 January 2015

The Theory of Everything (2015)

The Theory of Everything is a truly fascinating film about the wonderful physicist that is Stephen Hawking. The film follows him through his time as a student at the University of Cambridge, where he meets Jane Wilde, who later becomes his wife, and finds out that he has been diagnosed with Motor Neurons Disease; a condition that affects his mobility and speech.
The film features the amazing actors that are Eddie Redmayne, as Stephen, and Felicity Jones, as Jane. Their portrayal of these characters is outstanding and between them they captivatingly tell the story of Stephen and Jane, connecting with the audience throughout.
I personally think that this is such a sweet and adorable film, with both happy and sad times, at which yes, I did cry a little. It was truly an amazing film to watch and I can not wait for it to come out on DVD so I can watch it over and over again. I think that it is obvious to say that I would 100% recommend this film to anyone and everyone! Honestly, I think you will adore it!


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