Wednesday 14 January 2015

More Audience Research

Charlie Woodrow -
  1. In a good film opening sequence I would expect to for there to be an introduction to some of the main characters, ideas and maybe a few shots of the setting/s.
  2. I particularly like the opening to the following films: Back to the Future, Star Wars, Interstellar.
  3. In a thriller film I would expect it to be thrilling, have lots of parts to it, and it would have to have a complicated storyline.
  4. In the opening sequence of a thriller film I would expect to be introduced to a main character or two, or maybe straight into the action and then talk about what happened after as if it was a flashback.
  5. I think that the ideas are very exciting and sound well thought out.
  6. Yes, I would watch the rest of that film.

Luke Bates -
  1. Introduction to main characters, a small insight to the plot and scenery
  2. Star Wars, Shaun Of The Dead
  3. Tense feeling, some jumpy scenes, lots of dark places etc.
  4. Introducing the main character and the tense/scary problem that they are having, or just an introduction of the tense scary bit.
  5. I think the idea is good, and introduces what I said I liked well.
  6. Yes

I shall also get some audience research on video so you can see people's exact responses.

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