Throughout the creation process of my AS coursework, my opening sequence idea has changed quite a bit, and this is how...
Firstly, it started off as being a comedy film about a young adult who wakes up after going to a party the night before. When they wake up they go downstairs to find that there a dozen or so people in their that are all dressed in animal costumes doing seemingly normal daily tasks; like ironing, cooking food or watching TV.
To start off with I was actually quite excited to film this because I thought it was a good idea that would be interesting to actually produce and film. However, as I started to plan this idea more, I soon realised that it wasn't going to be that easy to film, and in fact it was going to be very challenging to even pick a day when everyone was free for acting and filming. So after trying to resolve these problems by asking friends and family, I decided that it would be best to do something that I could actually accomplish in the time that we have to film and finalise our coursework, as well as the fact that I'm working by myself.
So my next idea was to change genre completely and do a thriller opening sequence. I had two similar ideas for this, both of which consisted of two characters: a female and male character, and the idea that the male character is following the female character through a town at night. These were the two ideas:
- The male character was a murderer/kidnapper that would go around the streets of towns and cities at night and kidnap anyone seen walking by themselves. The rest of the film would then be focused on the police investigation into finding out who he is and finding out what happened to the female character.
- The male character was the ex of the female character, who he is completely obsessed with and he can't get over the fact that they broke up. Because of his infatuation for her, he would constantly follow her around. With this idea I hadn't put much thought into an idea of how the film would carry on and what a resolution would be.
And finally, the idea that I am doing for my coursework is, again similar to the two ideas above, apart from the fact that the male character is now a hit-man that was hired by a character, unknown to the audience, to kill the female character; for a reason that is not disclosed to the audience within the opening two minutes. The rest of the film could go two ways: 1) it could be like a flashback, in the fact that it would be about the time leading up to the murder and so we would find out about the female character in more depth, or 2) it would be more about solving the murder and finding out why the female character was targeted and who the character is that hired the hit-man to do it.